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online hours taught across all states since 2020
ATAR score achieved by Year 12 students on average
of our students achieve A/B grades at school
of new students love their first lesson with us
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"Great with my daughter and her grades have increased!"
During lessons, Alyssa works on improving her skills in Year 7 Math topics such as fraction operations, measurement and algebra. She also works on practice persuasive writing tasks with her tutor to prepare for her school assessment!
In under two terms, Alyssa went from Cs to A/B marks!

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Year 8 girl transforms from Cs to As in English & Maths within two terms!
During lessons, Yuki works on complex Math concepts such as algebra. She also learns how to structure and plan her essays more effectively.
🟠 Yuki, Year 8 Student

Year 10 boy receives As in Maths for the entire school year!
Working with his tutor, Aaron learns new content, completes practice questions and revises class topics to prepare him for his exams.
🟠 Aaron, Year 10 Student

Year 7 boy improves in English & Maths from Cs/Bs to A/B grades!
Wesley works on Math topics such as fractions, decimals and algebra. For English, he focuses on improving his vocabulary & writing structure.
🟠 Wesley, Year 7 Student

Year 6 girl achieves A/B grades in English & Mathematics at school!
During her sessions with her tutor, Isabel works on tricky concepts such as fraction operations, unit conversion and PEEL paragraph writing.
🟠 Isabel, Year 6 Student

Year 3 boy improves his confidence in English & Maths at school!
Cullen works closely with his tutor every week focusing on year-specific topics such as multiplication, division and persuasive writing.
🟠 Cullen, Year 3 Student

Year 6 boy builds his knowledge of Math & English topics every week!
Working with his tutor every week, Panayiotis keeps up with his school learning by improving his skills with fractions and writing poetry.
🟠 Panayiotis, Year 6 Student

Year 3 boy improves his skills in English & Maths curriculum topics!
During lessons, Titan stays on top of his schoolwork by learning Maths topics such as fractions while working to improve his writing structure.
🟠 Titan, Year 3 Student